Requirement for all variants:
1) The base - were the words are .... in the VS Project "Properties" Section imagine a Resourcefile like "tx.resx" for english default keys&values and a Resourcefile "" for the equivalent german keys&values. For instance there is a key called MyKeyToShowATranslatedValue. This key points to "Hello world" in the tx.resx and to "Hallo Welt" in the
Sample A:
2) In the View (XAML)...
Note: To use this variant, you need to doubleclick/open the Resourcefile tx.resx and in VS. There, you see a combobox to change the "Access modifier". Change it to "public" and save each tx* file.
Text="{x:Static propx:tx.MyKeyToShowATranslatedValue}"/>
Sample B:
2) add in "App.xaml.cs" and initialize the "tx" ResourceManager
public static ResourceManager tx = new ResourceManager("PROJECTNAMESPACE.Properties.tx", System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly());
3) In the ViewModel-class...
3.1) create a Member to store the translated Words of tx.resx or, whatever...
private Dictionary<string, string> _words = new Dictionary<string,string>();3.2) in the constructor of the ViewModel-class, copy the values of the ResourceManager in the Dictionary...
public Dictionary<string, string> Words
get { return _words; }
ResourceSet rs = App.tx.GetResourceSet(Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture, true, true);
foreach (DictionaryEntry de in rs)
_words.Add(de.Key.ToString(), de.Value.ToString());
4) In the XAML-View...
4.1) set the DataContext to the appropriate ViewModel
4.2) use the values of the Dictionary Keys in the VIEW using {Binding}....
Text="{Binding Path=Words[MyKeyToShowATranslatedValue]}"
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